Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I am Optimus Prime

hhhhmmmm...the beginning of a deviously briliant plan to take out Prime...
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Wendy said...

Ryan Cuellar - So good to hear from you!! You have the cutest family. And you look just the same. I think our boys would get along great cause Ethan is an Optimus Prime fan also. I'm excited to be able to peak in on your life now. Yeh!!

Unknown said...

oh, horray! the cuellars! Hi, old friends.

Shelby said...

Greetings Cuellars! Looks like you are being invaded by grapes.
Now get your other "BAC" dudes on the ball.

Cute kiddeos by the way. I was enjoying their cute little faces yesterday at Ann's house.

Did you hear about

vanessa said...

We love the pictures... you are such a special family!

kisses from Barcelona

Lluis and VAne

AnnieB said...

hello!!! your kids are so cute! i've never seen Ella--what a beauty! we miss you guys! when are you coming out for a visit?